Results for 'Matteo Fulvio Olivieri'

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  1.  31
    Ancient ethnicity. J. McInerney a companion to ethnicity in the ancient mediterranean. Pp. XVI + 579. Malden, ma and oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. Cased, £120, €144, us$195. Isbn: 978-1-4443-3734-1. [REVIEW]Matteo Fulvio Olivieri - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):461-463.
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    Tyrant and hero. History and myth in ancient greece - catenacci il tiranno E l'eroe. Storia E mito nella grecia antica. Second edition. Pp. 239, figs. Rome: Carocci editore, 2012 . Paper, €24. Isbn: 978-88-430-6647-6. [REVIEW]Matteo Fulvio Olivieri - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):24-26.
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    What Sparks Ethical Decision Making? The Interplay Between Moral Intuition and Moral Reasoning: Lessons from the Scholastic Doctrine.Lamberto Zollo, Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini & Cristiano Ciappei - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):681-700.
    Recent theories on cognitive science have stressed the significance of moral intuition as a counter to and complementary part of moral reasoning in decision making. Thus, the aim of this paper is to create an integrated framework that can account for both intuitive and reflective cognitive processes, in order to explore the antecedents of ethical decision making. To do that, we build on Scholasticism, an important medieval school of thought from which descends the main pillars of the modern Catholic social (...)
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    Introduction: Parties, partisanship and political theory.Veit Bader & Matteo Bonotti - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (3):253-266.
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    Modal categorical inferences in Quarc.Simon Vonlanthen & Matteo Pascucci - 2024 - In Özgür Lütfü Özçep, Nele Rußwinkel, Kai Sauerwald & Diedrich Wolter (eds.), Proceedings of FCR-2024. CEUR. pp. 48-59.
    We investigate basic forms of inference involving modal notions and quantifiers, called modal categorical inferences. We do so by extending Quarc, a novel logic that assigns a primary role to quantified phrases, with modalities from the hexagon of opposition. We show that there are two possible readings of de dicto modalities (called symmetric and asymmetric, respectively), as opposed to the unique reading of de re modalities. We focus on the asymmetric reading of de dicto modalities and explore the logical relations (...)
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    Cultura e natura umana.John Dewey & Matteo Santarelli - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 67:110-120.
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    Consistenza e composizione sociale degli indigenti. Effetti della variazione delle soglie di povertà monetaria e dell'ambito territoriale.Rossella Bozzon, Matteo Degasperi, Sonia Marzadro & Federico Podestà - 2005 - Polis 19 (3):409-434.
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    Die Anweisung zum seeligen Leben. Fünftes Treffen des Italienischen Netzwerkes der Fichte-Forschung. Bologna 23.02.2007.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2009 - Fichte-Studien 33:387-389.
  9. Influence of world knowledge and context on the comprehension of natural language translation of logical formulas.Luca Cilibrasi & Matteo Pascucci - 2013 - In Chiara Ciarlo & Davide Giannoni (eds.), Language Studies Working Papers. University of Reading. pp. 13-21.
    In this paper we present an approach to conditional reasoning tasks based on two main ideas. The first idea is that, in contrast with what is usually assumed, an ‘if… then…’ sentence is not an adequate translation in natural language of a logical formula containing a material implication as its principal operator. The second idea is that when subjects are required to check the validity of a sentence in a task, their inferences are not driven uniquely by the content of (...)
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  10. ""Chemical anthropology of Jakob moleschott (with the unpublished" einleitung" to" anthropology").Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):599 - +.
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    Fichte Und Seine Zeit: Kontext, Konfrontationen, Rezeptionen.Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso, Carla De Pascale, Erich Fuchs & Marco Ivaldo (eds.) - 2016 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Die Absicht des vorliegenden Buches ist es, das Geflecht der unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen, die mit dem Stichwort „Fichte und seine Zeit“ verbunden sind, in Betracht zu ziehen und ihre internen Zusammenhänge und ihre Geschlossenheit deutlich zu machen. The intention of this book is to take the network of different issues that are associated with the main theme " Fichte and his time" into consideration and make their internal relationships and their closeness significantly.
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    Fichte Und Seine Zeit: Streitfragen.Matteo D'Alfonso, Carla De Pascale, Erich Fuchs & Marco Ivaldo (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Mit dem Untertitel »Streitfragen« bringt dieser Band 44 der Fichte-Studien eine Gruppe von Beiträgen, die das Hauptthema »Fichte und seine Zeit« behandeln und es aus unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten entfalten.
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    In guisa di introduzione: L'interpretazione moisiana della "filosofia della luce" di Fichte.Matteo D'alfonso - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  14. L'antropologia chimica di Jakob Moleschott (con l'inedita "Einleitung" alla Antropologia).Matteo V. D'Alfonso - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):599-660.
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    Cosa c'è di assiale nell'epoca assiale?Robert N. Bellah & Matteo Bortolini - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 50:83-108.
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    Psychopathological Comorbidities and Clinical Variables in Patients With Medication Overuse Headache.Simone Migliore, Matteo Paolucci, Livia Quintiliani, Claudia Altamura, Sabrina Maffi, Giulia D’Aurizio, Giuseppe Curcio & Fabrizio Vernieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The psychopathological profile of patients with medication overuse headache appears to be particularly complex. To better define it, we evaluated their performance on a targeted psychological profile assessment. We designed a case-control study comparing MOH patients and matched healthy controls. Headache frequency, drug consumption, HIT-6, and MIDAS scores were recorded. All participants filled in the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory-II Edition, trait subtest of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The primary endpoint (...)
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    A filosofia no Recife: ontem e hoje.Alfredo Moraes & Vincenzo Di Matteo (eds.) - 2006 - Olinda, PE: Editora Livro Rápido.
  18.  29
    Network formation in repeated interactions: experimental evidence on dynamic behaviour. [REVIEW]Michele Bernasconi & Matteo Galizzi - 2010 - Mind and Society 9 (2):193-228.
    Here, we present some experiments of non-cooperative games of network formation based on Bala and Goyal (Econometrica 68:1181–1229, 2000 ). We have looked at the one-way and the two-way flow models, each for high and low link costs. The models come up with both multiple equilibria and coordination problems. We conducted the experiments under various conditions which allowed for repeated interactions between subjects. We found that coordination on non-empty Strict Nash equilibria was not an easy task to achieve, even in (...)
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  19. Bayesian Cognitive Science, Monopoly, and Neglected Frameworks.Matteo Colombo & Stephan Hartmann - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (2):451–484.
    A widely shared view in the cognitive sciences is that discovering and assessing explanations of cognitive phenomena whose production involves uncertainty should be done in a Bayesian framework. One assumption supporting this modelling choice is that Bayes provides the best approach for representing uncertainty. However, it is unclear that Bayes possesses special epistemic virtues over alternative modelling frameworks, since a systematic comparison has yet to be attempted. Currently, it is then premature to assert that cognitive phenomena involving uncertainty are best (...)
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    Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: science and epistemic humility should go together.Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-5.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific experts advised governments for measures to be promptly taken; they also helped people to understand the situation. They carried out this role in the face of a worldwide emergency, when scientific understanding was still underway. Public scientific disputes also arose, creating confusion among people. This article highlights the importance of experts’ epistemic stance under these circumstances. It suggests they should embrace the intellectual virtue of epistemic humility, regulating their epistemic behavior and communication accordingly. In so (...)
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  21.  24
    First-in-Human Whole-Eye Transplantation: Ensuring an Ethical Approach to Surgical Innovation.Matteo Laspro, Erika Thys, Bachar Chaya, Eduardo D. Rodriguez & Laura L. Kimberly - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):59-73.
    As innovations in the field of vascular composite allotransplantation (VCA) progress, whole-eye transplantation (WET) is poised to transition from non-human mammalian models to living human recipients. Present treatment options for vision loss are generally considered suboptimal, and attendant concerns ranging from aesthetics and prosthesis maintenance to social stigma may be mitigated by WET. Potential benefits to WET recipients may also include partial vision restoration, psychosocial benefits related to identity and social integration, improvements in physical comfort and function, and reduced surgical (...)
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  22. Filosofia e storia della cultura: studi in onore di Fulvio Tessitore.Fulvio Tessitore, Giuseppe Cacciatore, Maurizio Martirano & Edoardo Massimilla (eds.) - 1997 - [Naples]: Morano.
    v. 1. Dall'antico al moderno -- v. 2. L'età contemporanea -- v. 3. Teoria e metodo.
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    Tackling modern‐day crises: Why understanding multilevel interconnectivity is vital.Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000294.
    Complex crises like the coronavirus pandemic are showing us that modern societies are becoming increasingly unable to live in equilibrium with nature. These crises are the result of multiple causes, which interact at different scales and across different domains. Therefore, investigating their proximate causes is not enough to fully understand them. It is also crucial to take into account the structural factors involved. As concerns the global pandemic, I suggest four levels of analysis: (i) the surface or “proximate” level of (...)
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  24. Relational EPR.Matteo Smerlak & Carlo Rovelli - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (3):427-445.
    We study the EPR-type correlations from the perspective of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. We argue that these correlations do not entail any form of “non-locality”, when viewed in the context of this interpretation. The abandonment of strict Einstein realism implied by the relational stance permits to reconcile quantum mechanics, completeness, (operationally defined) separability, and locality.
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  25.  50
    Complexity and the Mind–Nature Divide.Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2016 - World Futures 72 (7-8):353-368.
    Descartes's distinction between res cogitans and res extensa is a paradigmatic concept on which Western thought has been grounded. The reductionist and objectivistic approach of modern science draws its fundamental premise from it. This dualism has also instigated a view of human as separate from nature. The complexity approach in its most radical form questions many of these assumptions, asserting that the subjective and objective dimensions are involved in a relation of mutual determination and dependence. This article argues that if (...)
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    The limits of reductionism in biology: what alternatives?Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2011 - E-Logos 18 (1):1-19.
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  27.  45
    Patients' health or company profits? The commercialisation of academic research.Nancy F. Olivieri - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (1):29-41.
    This paper is a personal account of the events associated with the author’s work at the University of Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children on a drug, deferiprone, for the treatment of thalassaemia. Trials of the drug were sponsored by the Canadian Medical Research Council and a drug company which would have been able, had the trials been successful, to seek regulatory approval to market the drug. When evidence emerged that deferiprone might be inadequately effective in a substantial proportion of patients, (...)
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    La luna di Egesianatte: SH 466-467.Matteo Rossetti - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):7-22.
    Della produzione didascalica di argomento astronomico dell’età ellenistica la tradizione manoscritta ci ha consegnato soltanto i Fenomeni di Arato, poema che sin da subito ha goduto di un vasto successo, testimoniato da riscritture, commenti e traduzioni. Poco sappiamo della poesia astronomica non aratea, di cui rimangono sparute testimonianze ed esempi frammentari, tra cui spiccano i cinque esametri sulla luna di Egesianatte (SH 466-467). Il presente contributo intende valutare la posizione di Egesianatte all’interno della poesia didascalica di argomento astronomico, prendendo in (...)
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    Il mio Croce: scritti, 1969-2018.Fulvio Janovitz - 2019 - Firenze: Edizioni Polistampa. Edited by Cosimo Ceccuti.
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    Comprehensive Model for Physical and Cognitive Frailty: Current Organization and Unmet Needs.Fulvio Lauretani, Yari Longobucco, Francesca Ferrari Pellegrini, Aurelio Maria De Iorio, Chiara Fazio, Raffaele Federici, Elena Gallini, Umberto La Porta, Giulia Ravazzoni, Maria Federica Roberti, Marco Salvi, Irene Zucchini, Giovanna Pelà & Marcello Maggio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Aging is characterized by the decline and deterioration of functional cells and results in a wide variety of molecular damages and reduced physical and mental capacity. The knowledge on aging process is important because life expectancy is expected to rise until 2050. Aging cannot be considered a homogeneous process and includes different trajectories characterized by states of fitness, frailty, and disability. Frailty is a dynamic condition put between a normal functional state and disability, with reduced capacity to cope with stressors. (...)
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  31. Essenza e contraddizione in Hegel.Fulvio Longato - 1981 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 10 (1-3):271-289.
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  32. “Imagination” e “moral sense”: un contributo alla teoria dell'immaginazione in Shaftesbury.Andrea Olivieri - 2011 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 4 (2).
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  33.  20
    Persuasive Technologies and Self-awareness: A Discussion of Screen-time Management Applications.Lorenzo Olivieri - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20:52-60.
    Persuasive technologies are interactive systems designed to change and shape users’ behaviours towards specific goals. By discussing the case of screen-time management applications, this paper explores how persuasive systems transform self-awareness and the self’s cognitive architecture. Drawing on the notion of tectonoetic awareness, I will illustrate how artefacts enable the transition from the temporal bounded experience characterizing first-person perspective (noetic awareness) to the ability of reflecting on oneself from a third person and temporally extended perspective (autonoetic awareness). I will argue (...)
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    Libertà e marxismo in Merleau Ponty.Fulvio Papi - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 12:361-368.
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    Solo una dea: mitologie del femminile nel Novecento.Fulvio Salza - 2000 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
  36. Trieste e l'amor di patria.Fulvio Salimbeni - 2004 - Studium 100 (6):941-950.
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  37. Innateness and the sciences.Matteo Mameli & Patrick Bateson - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (2):155-188.
    The concept of innateness is a part of folk wisdom but is also used by biologists and cognitive scientists. This concept has a legitimate role to play in science only if the colloquial usage relates to a coherent body of evidence. We examine many different candidates for the post of scientific successor of the folk concept of innateness. We argue that none of these candidates is entirely satisfactory. Some of the candidates are more interesting and useful than others, but the (...)
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    Ethical protocols design.Matteo Turilli - 2007 - Ethics and Information Technology 9 (1):49-62.
    The paper offers a solution to the problem of specifying computational systems that behave in accordance with a given set of ethical principles. The proposed solution is based on the concepts of ethical requirements and ethical protocols. A new conceptual tool, called the Control Closure of an operation, is defined and used to translate ethical principles into ethical requirements and protocols. The concept of Generalised Informational Privacy (GIP) is used as a paradigmatic example of an ethical principle. GIP is defined (...)
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    Under What Conditions May Western Science and Indigenous Knowledge Be Jointly Used and What Does This Really Entail? Insights from a Western Perspectivist Stance.Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (5):325-337.
    The potential for jointly using or integrating Western science and indigenous knowledge, especially in such fields as environmental management, is a hotly debated topic nowadays. However, the difficulties involved in such a task are not always fully understood and co-management experiences achieved only partially the expected outcomes. In this contribution, I show how a sound combination of the two bodies of knowledge would be possible only if there is a way to accommodate different interpretations of reality and knowledge criteria. The (...)
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    Modules and mindreaders.Matteo Mameli - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (3):377-93.
    There are many interesting empirical and theoretical issues concerning the evolution of cognition. Despite this, recent books on the topic concentrate on two problems. One is mental modularity. The other is what distinguishes human from non-human minds. While it is easy to understand why people are interested in human uniqueness, it is not clear why modularity is the centre of attention. Fodor (2000) has a nice argument for why people _should_ be interested in modularity.
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    Devir-Violão: Um Desafio (À Filosofia e À Educação) da Inf'ncia.Fulvio Barreira Vicente Santos & Jair Miranda de Paiva - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-13.
    Este artigo busca ressoar um percurso de sensibilização vivido por um professor que descobre a força desestabilizadora e inspiradora da infância das crianças durante as aulas de filosofia. Ao investigar a (im)possibilidade das crianças fazerem filosofia, vemos semelhanças com a experiência de tocar violão, o qual transformamos em um personagem conceitual para nos ajudar a (re)pensar o ensino de filosofia para crianças. Ensaiamos, neste texto, formas de explorar os sentidos que se desprendem de experiências vividas entre a infância e a (...)
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  42. Nongenetic selection and nongenetic inheritance.Matteo Mameli - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (1):35-71.
    According to the received view of evolution, only genes are inherited. From this view it follows that only genetically-caused phenotypic variation is selectable and, thereby, that all selection is at bottom genetic selection. This paper argues that the received view is wrong. In many species, there are intergenerationally-stable phenotypic differences due to environmental differences. Natural selection can act on these nongenetically-caused phenotypic differences in the same way it acts on genetically-caused phenotypic differences. Some selection is at bottom nongenetic selection. The (...)
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  43.  26
    Racism and the Empathy for Pain on Our Skin.Matteo Forgiarini, Marcello Gallucci & Angelo Maravita - 2011 - Frontiers in Psycholog 2.
  44.  15
    Virtue's End: God in the Moral Philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas.Fulvio Di Blasi, Joshua P. Hochschild & Jeffrey Langan (eds.) - 2008 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
  45. Allegorie del godimento. Il Pasolini di" petrolio". Una lettura.Fulvio Carmagnola - 2013 - Studi di Estetica 48:21-51.
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    Il cyberspazio tra governamentalità e digitalità.Forte Fulvio - 2016 - la Deleuziana 3:87-103.
    Cybernetic governmentality weakens the capacity of resistant subjectivities to struggle against neoliberal rationality because digitalized subjectivation processes are constantly pushed towards the logics of the market and into codifications of competitive evaluation. Despite the potential for new forms of collectivity contained in the concept of virtuality, technological evolution has disseminated a systemic form of digitality that operates not through collective procedures but through subjective-individualistic ones. Hence arises a danger that was indicated by Deleuze decades ago: that of confusing the virtual (...)
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    On the Potential Use of Cup-Marks.Fulvio Gosso - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (2):205-220.
    The author, starting from what is currently known about cup-marks and their distribution in the north-western Italian alpine area, formulated a hypothesis on their material and ritual functions in the Neolithic period. It is conceivable that cup-marks were originally carved in connection with the ritual use of Amanita muscaria, and that they may later have assumed other functions as well.
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  48. Cultura dei diritti umani e nuova cittadinanza.Fulvio Longato - 2005 - Studium 101 (6):815-839.
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    Capire la filosofia.Fulvio Papi - 1993 - Pavia: Ibis.
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    Enciclopedia della filosofia contemporanea.Fulvio Papi - 1979 - Milano: Teti.
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